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To watch TNT Sat, vplug needs a much more packed size so it works on TNT Sat by increasing packed size from host program (if its adjustable) : DVB Viewer Pro : Do nothing, SoftCSA needed and Free Pack will be set this program automatically and all OK DVB Dream : Preferences > Plug-in Interface > set packed size to 368 AltDVB : Plugins > set packed size to 368 Other apps: There are two plugins which use vplug modules named "EREN" and "mdplug" so if your host program does not present to adjust plugin packed size, you can try these plugins but i think both are unstable/unsafe..(If you think to use them with vplug at same time, delete mdl files smartly..For example delete viaccess.mdl from vplug files and delete all mdl files outside viaccess.mdl from other plugin files..In this sample vPlug will be inactive on tntsat channels and other plugins will only be active on tntsat channels (not tested i just think..))